An Andrew Antic

Alliteration's are fun...too bad I'm not very good at them {sigh}

Anyhow I felt the need to share with you how much sweet Andrew or most six year old's for that matter are lacking in a verbal filter.

Yesterday was filled with community gatherings and we had a great time! First we ventured out to our friend Shannon's for her yearly Crawfish Boil...always a great time! Andrew makes friends easily (as you all know!) and quickly found himself a soccer buddy (who I apparently knew from the gym...never mind long story) and became part of the "boy's [only] club" He had a blast! Later that evening we headed to our sweet friend Megan's Baseball Birthday BBQ and again had a great time. Andrew [finally!] saw arguably one of his favorite people in the entire world Omar and tagged along with him most of the night. Alright so the get to the point Sara, right??
Well while the girls were talking and catching up Andrew walks up and asks our friend Ann Carolyn "why do have such short pants on?" with a rather perplexed look on his face. {insert massive amounts of laughter here!} It could have been the time he asked a perfect stranger if she had a baby in her belly {no she did not} and then proceeded to make a point that there just must be a lot of food in there ...or the time he asked another stranger who was easily in her 30's if she was a grandmother...oh that boy! Always keepin' me on my toes! :)

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