The Big "C"

as in CAVITY!

And not just one...or two...but THREE! :(

Yesterday Andrew has a dentist appointment and while he did great while Miss Carrie cleaned his teeth we were blasted with the news of tooth decay...

The thing that gets me the most is that Andrew isn't a big candy person or continuously noshing on sweets. If you know me well you know we eat pretty well and rarely have that kind of stuff in the house. Andrew is a diligent brusher due to his moms obsession with teeth (hey now I had braces and had to brush them ALL the time what can I say ;) ) So after racking my brain Carrie (the dental hygienist) and I have come to the conclusion that these guys are the culprit:

The crazy thing is they are a great source vitamins etc but apparently wreak havoc on your teeth...

So anyway guess we'll see a periodontist soon and throwin out the beloved after school snack. (side note: we were also told raisins are awful too!)

In other Andrew news:

He has officially grown out of his size 6 jeans and by grown out of I mean they are all too short! Thankfully summer is just around the corner!

He has had his first wipe-out incident on a skateboard complete with bumps, bruises, and scraps.

He has discovered he does indeed like strawberries after insisting for years he "hates" them.

His favorite movies (to watch at home) are Surf's Up and Over the Hedge.

His favorite movies in the theater are Monster's vs Aliens and Bedtime Stories.

And finally his favorite sayings are "peace out dude," "awe, tarter sauce!," (yes thank you Sponge Bob, whom we never watch I might add) and finally when insisting he's right and you're wrong he raises his eye brows, nods his head wide eyed and says "uh, yeah!"

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