Birthday boy...

My sweet boy you are seven years old today!
I am nearly speechless...{nearly.} ;)
It seems like yesterday you burst into this world {quickly I might add!} and were placed on my chest with that head full of dreamy dark hair. My whole world as I knew it forever changed that day and I am so grateful; so very thankful.

Seven years ago today as I attempted to prepare myself for your arrival I had no idea the blessings in store! Who knew so much wisdom could come in such a small package! I am daily thankful for you in my life!

You, my sweet son, have taught me so much. You are kind, encouraging, forgiving, and such a beautiful spirit. You know no stranger. You are empathetic and always a helper. You are strong and gentle. You are quick to admit mistake and always loving despite others short comings. Son, I desire to be more like you. Even as a young boy you are such a vision of Christ. You are faithful and bold. You are approachable and direct. You are a light.

You have taught me how fleeting time is!
I will so cherish the memories past, the moments now, and the days ahead.

A few of your {current} favorite things:
You know no stranger and love meeting new people. You are blessed with many friends.
Family and Friends
You love just be at home with mom or dad but just as well enjoy the company of your many friends {of all ages I might add!}
School and Church
You enjoy science the most and your class experiments. You have an inclination toward art and music as well. You look forward to every Sunday and love to soak in the stories and lessons of our Savior.
Soccer {watching or playing}
UT Football
The Cowboys {you are no fair-weather fan!}
your Ninetendo DSi
puzzles and board games
and more LEGOs!
"baby" oranges
carrots and hummus
Just about anything..."except tomatoes"
Alvin and the Chipmunks
The Sandlot
{ don't watch TV at mom's house ;)}
Things to do
Feed the ducks
Read books at Barnes and Noble
Go with Mom to Starbucks for chocolate milk
Go with Dad to soccer practice
Go to movies
Play with LEGOs
Hang out with friends

Lately you've...
...begun to spell and read. It is such a JOY to see you grow!
...lost your two front teeth!
...shared your lunch with a classmate who forgot there's.
...gone to the beach.

Happy Birthday precious boy! You are dearly and greatly loved.


  1. Aww... This is so sweet! We love you too Andrew!

  2. Beautiful post and adorable pics! Happy belated birthday to your Andrew!
