Guess who...

is home bound!?!?


  1. Yay! Going home after being stuck in bed, even with the TV and ice cream, feels so good!

    After several rounds of pneumonia (I don't even remember how many...) we were referred to specialists at Children's Respiratory and Critical Care Specialists, where, after ruling out cystic fibrosis, both girls were diagnosed with chronic persistant asthma and prescribed a regimen of controller meds as well as quick relief meds- it has been a mildly bumpy ride, with several hospitalizations for one of them, though this past one was by far the worst and most scary.
    Glad he's doing so much better!

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    It is nice to hear that your Andrew is out of the hospital. Neither of mine have ever had to be in there other than their births so I am quite thankful for that.

    You can only watch so much TV before you start to get bored. I understand after having to be on bed rest for 2 1/2 weeks with my first.

    Good luck and I hope you can find out why he keeps getting sick.
