April 20th, 2009

This past Saturday Mr. Andrew had his first sleepover or rather friend sleep over... the night started out with a venture to a local hole-in-the-wall Mexican food restaurant {Manny's in Frisco= yum!} and then back to the house to enjoy the evening weather. A little back yard game of soccer was played and then off to *help mom make cookies for a meeting she was attending the next day. Once pj's were on and enough cookie dough was eaten {I know I know but you only live once right?!} the boys were glued to a Starwars-a-thon of some sort. By 10 the boys were droopy eyed and after reading stories with funny accents it was time for "bed." I'm pretty sure I heard giggles for about 30 more minutes ;) All in all it was a fun evening and the boys even slept in til 9am! After chocolate chip pancakes and quick trip to the park (it was ridiculously windy) it was time for our adventure to end...

Andrew and Dylan @ Andrew's 6th birthday party 12/13/08

The past week has been a bit busy as Andrew and I both approach the end of the semester. Andrew's health is continually improving minus an ear infection and some slight chest congestion that we'll blame on the weather change. He recently had an allergy scratch test preformed that showed he is severely allergic to cats and tree nuts so we are now equipped with an epipen in case of an emergency.
Easter was great! We spent the weekend with friends/family outside of Sherman pictures and more on that to come soon...

*by helped make cookie I mean watch Starwars while MOM makes cookies and pause movie to sneak cookie dough and enjoy a few fresh out of the oven. And no in case you were wondering these were not wheat free...just plain ol' Nestle recipe that I'm sure I can tweak to cater to my allergy someday if I so choose... :)

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