So Ready...

to go home!

The doctor just stopped by and after one more breathing treatment little man is going home! His oxygen levels are WAY up and he is B-O-R-E-D and ready to get out of bed! We both went to "Asthma Education" class this morning and learned how to best care for Monkey and his needs. Asthma is one of the most common chronic childhood diseases however most cases are mild. While the first signs of his asthma [just a few months ago] were very mild they are now classifying him as a moderate-severe asthmatic. He was introduced to The Vest today and I have been taught manual chest percussion therapy (CPT) for his atelectasis (partially collapsed lung.) We should be back to normal soon and will follow up with the Pulmonolgist to see what may be the underlying trigger of his episodes.

("The Vest" and a breathing treatment...horrible quality pic)

We are both beyond ready for a normal night of sleep and to get back on schedule. He'll have to wait another day before he is ready to return to school and will need to be closely watched but tonight we are thanking friends for their sweet prayer and and praising the Great Physician for His healing hands.

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