Headed to Children's...

Sleep deprivation. That is my two word description of the past several days...

Tues evening about 10 my sweet friend Donna and I took Andrew to Children's ER for "labored" breathing. He does have asthma and is prone to Bronchitis and the such but the acceleration of his "episode" left me with no other choice but to take him in. Upon arrival he was quick to make friends with a sweet nurse named Sarah who made our late into the evening/early into the morning stay a bit more pleasant. His oxygen levels were at 92 percent when we arrived so he was given a series of 3 breathing treatments and an oral steroid. We were sent home around 3am and have followed up with the doctor everyday since then. A chest x-ray at the ER showed signs of early pneumonia so he's been on an antibiotic along with breathing treatments every 2-3 hrs. At an early morning doctors appointment today his pediatrician said it was time to have him admitted for further tests. So we headed to Children's Medical Center around 2:30 pm and have been here ever since.

At this point we wait. They did another chest x-ray which showed he does indeed have pneumonia and his O2 stats dropped to as low as 87%. My little monkey is now on oxygen.

So we wait...and pray...and wait some more.

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