What's in a name...

"HE looks great!" The words echoed about the room as I listened to a strong heartbeat on the monitor.

A boy.

A baby boy.

What will he look like?

How big will he be?

What kind of personality will he have?

What will I name him?!?!

A name is important.
Often the first thing you learn about someone.
An important and BIG task.

Nickolas. Ryan. Adain. Caleb.

Names swirled about my thoughts.

I'd decided on Caleb Andrew {or so I thought}

Caleb means faith...devotion...I loved the name.

Andrew after a dear friend who impacted my life in a major way...who'd recently passed away.

And then HE came swiftly into this world...and HE wasn't a "Caleb"...the name didn't fit him and so I was back to square one!

I loved the name Andrew. It suited him well.

A Strong Man. Brave. Courageous. Manly. Warrior.

He still needed a middle name.

I heard the name Mitchell while in still in recovery...it sounded strong and slightly uncommon.

One Who is Like God.

December 10th 2002, mid-morning Andrew Mitchell came quickly into this world. Beautiful. Healthy. A sweet sweet blessing.

1 comment:

  1. So sweet, incredible post. Thanks for sharing the beautiful story, he is such an incredible boy designed by God. Love that you shared this, hope you two are blessed
