
Little man has confirmed pneumonia as well as atelectasis in the bottom lobes of both lungs and possibly the middle lobe of the right lung. His O2 stats are ranging from 86 to 89 on room air and he is winded easily. He has been on and off oxygen and is on a gamete of meds. A chest CT will be done in hopes of providing answers as to why he keeps getting pneumonia. However, he is quite the trooper and in great spirits...just a bit bored ;)
{and loving watching TV! We don't have ours hooked up at home but he does watch the occasional DVD.}

This is his "TV watching" look ;) He completely zones out!

1 comment:

  1. and I know all about the zoning out to the TV in the hospital! oh, my, do I know that zoning, lol!
    hang in there!
