April, May, and June {as told by Andrew}

Wow this year has flown by! The late Sping and Early summer came and went in a blink!

The end of the school year went by quickly! I even graduated!

We took a field trip to the Ft. Worth Zoo {one of my most favorite places to go!} and had a super fun End of the School Year Bash. I even saw some of my classmates over the summer at Peter Piper Pizza!
In May we went to Shannon's annual Crawfish Boil.

I had so much fun playing soccer with the big kids* and playing with the crawfish. I didn't eat them though.
{*=20-something year old men}

I also learned how to tie my shoes!

In June we spent some time a little north of home with friends in Whitesborough, Tx and opening night, mom took me to see the midnight showing of Transformers 2! She's the coolest!
We also spent time in Galveston visiting friends and taking our very first family vacation! Silly mom forgot to take any pics tho! We stayed with mom's friend from high school and met her little boy, Eli. I liked to call him "scooty baby" because he couldn't walk yet...and because it's a funny name! We went to the beach and the pool and one morning woke up SO early {4:30 am to be exact}to get on a boat and trout fish! It was super fun! Before heading home we met my great grandma's sister, husband, and daughter...that sure was neat! I hope mom brings her camera next time we go to the beach, wouldn't want you to miss my sweet sand castle!

More summer adventures coming soon...

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