An antic and an adventure

It's been a while!

Well Thurs night we went to 'Life's a Beach' for Mrs. Jenn's birthday and had a great time with the gang! Friday morning we packed up and head to visit family in Austin and had a great laid back trip! It was really good to see the family and we both hated to leave! Nothing particularly new to note or report but I will leave you with a classic "Andrew Antic"
A few days ago while walking around the car Andrew opens his car door [with force] right as I am passing. The door slams hard into my leg and man do I have a bruise. Sweet Andrew initially shocked, checks if I'm OK then says to me "Awe come on mom! Take it like a MAN!" I couldn't help but laugh so hard I nearly fell over!

Until next time...

Just b/'s Andrew bored out of his mind ready an hour early for the giant sand pit at Life's A Beach :)

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